Tuesday, July 13, 2010

day -1

Healthy living. For real. We all know something about it, it's just a matter of being pro-active.

Today I feel shitty because I have super major pms and almost everyone that I talked to annoyed me. I did the p90x legs and back workout, but kind of half-assed it and I only did like four of the ab exercises that follow it. Also my eating habits today sort of sucked. But whatever. I can't sit around feeling sorry for myself, where would that get me?

Tomorrow will be day 0 and healthy living will commence. Or at least that's the plan (and the point of this blog). I want to eat well and work out daily not only for my body (although anyone that tells you it's not at least somewhat about their body is a liar), but for my overall well-being.

-1 apple
-1 100 cal cookies and cream think thin bar
-juice of 1.5 apples, 4 carrots and some ginger
-2 slices of stuffed pizza from Calo's with onions and mushrooms (which my body would like me to never eat again because I always feel like poo afterwards)
-salad with cucumbers and tomatoes

-p90x legs and back
-a few of the ab ripper x exercises

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