Wednesday, July 21, 2010

day 3

I slept for like 11 hours again last night. This time it didn't feel so good. Ugh. Today was off to a rough start.

I had to get back in to the swing of work after 4 days off, which is always a challenge. Eating at work also tends to suck if I don't pack food, which I need to actually go grocery shopping in order to do. So, yeah. I also had a massive headache when I got home (probably due to eating not enough) and my work out suffered because of it. Today was a kind of a loss overall.

Tomorrow will be better.

-a handful of trail mix (with peanuts, cashews, almonds, raisins and m&m's)
-3 small slices of pizza with giardiniera
-some carrots
-juice of some carrots, cucumber, lime and ginger
-a veggie burger with 1/2 an avocado and some ketchup
-peas and corn
-2 asian chocolate niblets from nyc

-about 1/2 of core synergistics

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

day 2

Let's not talk about the past few days, ok?

I'm calling this day 2 because this weekend was rough and it was my birthday so I think I get a free pass :)

I slept for like 11 hours last night and woke up today feeling pretty refreshed. I spent several hours outside walking around the park, which is always a nice way to spend an afternoon (even though it was humid as f*ck and I was sweating up a storm). Since this weekend was kind of a bust on the food and exercise fronts, today ended up being the first day of p90x recovery week. We opted to do Cardio X instead of Yoga X because Yoga X is annoying and long as hell. Also, I have heard from a reliable source (someone who's done the p90x program already) that Yoga X can always be substituted with another form of cardio and you can still achieve awesome results. So whatevs. I ate pretty well today too, and am feeling good overall.

-2 slices of Ezekial sprouted grain bread with raw almond butter
-1 apple
-1 veggie burger (the real kind with actual veggies, not a sick Boca patty) with 1/2 an avocado and some ketchup
-a tropical whole fruit popsicle from Trader Joe's (these are the real deal-no fake stuff, 80 cal and totally delish)
-a handful of raw almonds
-some carrots and hummus
-2 chunks of pineapple
-some pineapple and some blueberry asian gummy candies (yum!)

-Cardio X

Thursday, July 15, 2010

day 1

Don't judge me.

That said, today is break day on p90x (day 7 each week is either rest or stretch). Which is good because I have to go out for margaritas tonight. Also I am probably going to eat a veggie burrito. Not healthy living. Boo.

Anyway, tomorrow starts the recovery week on p90x which involves no lifting and mostly just light cardio, yoga and kenpo. I'm totally ready for this week. I also think that I am starting to see some real definition in my biceps, which is majorly exciting.

Oh. And I need to write about something I learned yesterday. I learned that when you heat fats up to a certain temperature they become rancid and when these fats are eaten they turn into cellulite. Gross. From now on if I need to heat oil or whatever to cook I have to use coconut oil which can apparently stand temperatures up to around 200 degrees. This also means that I need to cut out all kinds of chips, fries, onion rings and anything deep fried and delicious. That seems a little unreasonable, so maybe I'll just cut back on these things for now. Especially because I am going to need tortilla chips and guac with my margs tonight. Like I said, don't judge me.

-1 Fisher's smiley cookie (I had to, I mean I can't let such an awesome gift go to waste!)
-1/2 of a vegan taco salad plate from Soul Kitchen
-a handful of sprouted nuts and seeds
-some carrots
-juice of a carrot, lime, peach, 2 stalks of celery, 1/2 cucumber and some spinach, kale and cilantro
---I guess I'm going to have to edit this later to account for whatever crap I eat while out tonight---

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

day 0

I'm feeling much better today, thank god. Plus when I got home from work I had a lovely surprise in the form of some Fisher's smiley cookies straight outta N. Canton, OH! I was starving and I'd eaten pretty well the rest of the day so it was a perfect treat!

I haven't worked out yet, but as soon as I finish my juice I'm going to get down with some p90x kenpo. I hated it at first, but I'm really starting to love it (which shocks the shit out of me). I guess that's all for today!

-juice of 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 1 lime and some spinach
-1/2 slice of banana bread
-some watermelon
-some pineapple
-1 100 cal cookies and cream think thin bar
-carrots and celery with a little hummus
-1 Fisher's smiley cookie (:))
-juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cucumber, 1 1/2 carrots, some kale, cilantro, spinach and celery
-1/2 cup of raw almonds and walnuts

-p90x kenpo

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

day -1

Healthy living. For real. We all know something about it, it's just a matter of being pro-active.

Today I feel shitty because I have super major pms and almost everyone that I talked to annoyed me. I did the p90x legs and back workout, but kind of half-assed it and I only did like four of the ab exercises that follow it. Also my eating habits today sort of sucked. But whatever. I can't sit around feeling sorry for myself, where would that get me?

Tomorrow will be day 0 and healthy living will commence. Or at least that's the plan (and the point of this blog). I want to eat well and work out daily not only for my body (although anyone that tells you it's not at least somewhat about their body is a liar), but for my overall well-being.

-1 apple
-1 100 cal cookies and cream think thin bar
-juice of 1.5 apples, 4 carrots and some ginger
-2 slices of stuffed pizza from Calo's with onions and mushrooms (which my body would like me to never eat again because I always feel like poo afterwards)
-salad with cucumbers and tomatoes

-p90x legs and back
-a few of the ab ripper x exercises